Sunday, November 28, 2010

World War III with the Koreas, not gonna happen

With the recent tension on the Korean peninsula growing after the exchange of artillery fire from both Koreas, one has to wonder if this could potentially escalate and start a world war. The United States has a military alliance with South Korea in which it will aid the country if it were to be involved in war with the North. China is North Korea's greatest trade partner and also its ally. To make matters worse, just days from the incident, the U.S has sent over the USS George Washington (aircraft carrier) to conduct military drills with South Korea on its west coast. This definitely looks as if the situation could get out of hand and World War III could break out. In my opinion, the possibility for a war to break out is unlikely since it is in the Chinese and American's best interest to not let it get so bad. Both countries have made many attempts in the past to stop any provocation that would otherwise cause much suffering. I'm sure the future world wars class wont be discussing World War in Asia any time soon.

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