Sunday, January 9, 2011

Nuclear Weapons Today

So I was curious to see how many countries possess nuclear weapons today and it resulted with eight countries and a ninth suspected of having them. There are five countries under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.

  1. United States of America
  2. Russia
  3. Great Britain
  4. France
  5. China
India, Pakistan and North Korea are among the other countries who have nuclear arms. Israel is suspected of having them too. There are approximately over 23,000 nuclear weapons out in the world today. It's mind blowing that people have the capability of destroying the planet several times over...

1 comment:

  1. There are a number of countries that formerly had nuclear weapons. South Africa made nuclear weapons too, although they gave them all up. Countries like Ukraine inherited nuclear weapons when the Soviet Union dissolved, but they have returned the weapons to Russian hands. These countries realized that their weapons made them a target, and felt it was much simpler to due without them.
